Today, we can announce that Railway Innovation Hub has obtained the accreditation of “Agrupación Empresarial Innovadora” (Innovative Business Group) and the resulting inscription in the AEI Register of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism.

This important milestone reinforces our positioning as an innovation cluster in the railway sector, integrated by a group of companies, start up’s, technology centres and universities, as well as having the Public Works Agency of the J.A. as railway administrator. A true collaborative platform, articulated around the entire railway value chain and configured by different profiles of the industry, different knowledge providers and end market agents.

A complex ecosystem of support, where technology interacts with the market, key factors for the development of innovation in the new digital technologies that are being incorporated into rail mobility. Even more so, in the deep tech scenario that is advancing.

Being an AEI (Innovative Business Group) will therefore mean reinforcing our role as a key agent of innovation in mobility, through access to the cluster support programme established by the aforementioned Ministry.

Our thanks and congratulations to our current partners and to those who wish to join this initiative, which is now in its fifth year of existence.